
Step 1: Head Tags

  1. Left side of the editor, click on “Settings”

  2. Click on “Tag Manager”

  3. “Header Tags” Section

  4. Copy and paste the lines below into the field box (view screenshot)

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”

STEP 2: Create a Page

  1. Create new page

  2. Left side of the editor, click on “Pages”

  3. Click on the button “ADD NEW PAGE(S)”

  4. Select “Add a single page”

  5. Title: “TeleMedicine”

  6. For Page Layout select “Fullwidth”

  7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Save”

Step 3: Source Code

  1. Go to the TeleMedicine Page

  2. Hover over the box with the coming soon text and click “Edit”

  3. Click on the button in the text-editor “< >”

  4. Copy and paste the Source Code below to the TeleMedicine page content.

  5. Click on the button in the text-editor “< >” after copying.

  6. Save

Step 4: the Form

* Contact form must be added at the bottom of the page

  1. Click on “Advanced Editor”

  2. On the left, click on “Pages”

  3. Find the page “TeleMedicine” and open it

  4. On the left, click on “Components”

  5. Click on “Forms” and it should drop-down

  6. Click and drag “HTML Form” under the content to the right in the black area.
    Video for assistance: click here

  7. Go back to the TeleMedicine Page and now you should see an empty form field to edit.

  8. Click edit, and turn on the “Contact Us” form.

  9. For the title “TeleMedicine Form”

  10. For the caption “Please fill out the form below with your Name, Email Address and Phone Number and I will reach out to you.”

  11. Click Done

  12. Publish Website on the top-right.

The final page should look like this.

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



