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ModMedAMP Support
Priority Line

Thank you for calling ModMed AMP Support, this is YOUR FIRST NAME. Can I have the phone number associated with the account?

If you receive a call in the AMP Queue for non AMP support Please let the client know that they have reached the ModMed AMP Web Support Department and that you are going to transfer them back to the main menu. Once they get to the main menu, please press Option 2 for Support and from there they will be given the appropriate options for EMA, PM, GI Support, etc.


Click on the link to view our Complete
FAQ Resource Guide

ModMed Contact Info

Main Telephone Number: (561) 880-2998

Support Contact Info (561) 880-2998 / Press Option 2 for Support Menu

  • Press Option 1 for EMA/PM Support
  • Press Option 2 for ModMed Pay
  • Press Option 3 for AMP Web Support

If you are transferring a client to ModMed, you must do a warm transfer.  

Stay on the line until the call connects, introduce yourself as a member of the ModMed AMP Support Team and provide ModMed representative with the following information:

  • Practice/Account Name
  • ModMed Account ID - can be found in SF under account information below 
  • Customer’s EMA URL
  • Reason for transfer

Support Contact Emails

Main Support: [email protected]

AMP Web Support: [email protected]

AMP Domains: [email protected]

AMP Search (PPC/SEO):[email protected]

AMP Facebook Ads: [email protected]

AMP E-Store: [email protected]

ModMed Billing Contact Info 

All billing-related questions, including AMP products and services, must be directed to the ModMed Billing Department.

Do NOT discuss any pricing, billing dates, etc. with a client.

Phone (561) 880-2998 / Press Option 5

Email [email protected]

ModMed Sales Contact Info

Clients who have product upsell inquiries.

Phone (561) 880-2998 / Press Option 1

Email [email protected]

ModMed AMP Portal

Admin Portal

Client Portal*

* The Client Portal should be refered to the ModMed AMP Portal when discussing it with clients

Email Support


Email Configuration Info

Open SRS Support:

ModMed Talk Track

Please use the scripting below/do not deviate from the script as this is approved by legal.

Question: “Is ModMed AMP outsourced or a 3rd party vendor of ModMed?”

Answer: “ModMed AMP is a ModMed product that is powered by Officite, who is a specialty-specific provider of website and digital marketing solutions for healthcare professionals. ModMed AMP is designed to work with ModMed’s other products and services and provides unique features that customers cannot find when purchasing similar products from other providers.”

Question: "Are there capabilities that are only available via ModMed AMP and not Officite solutions?"

Answer: “Yes, ModMed AMP, although powered by Officite, is designed to work with ModMed’s other products and services and provides unique features that customers cannot find when purchasing similar products from other providers, including Officite.”

Question: In response to a client noticing the difference in AMP Support and general ModMed Support

Answer: ModMed AMP solutions are distinct from the other products and services that we offer at ModMed. Therefore, you may notice differences in processes and systems when interacting with the ModMed AMP support team. These differences are intentional, and we have implemented them in order to provide you with a support experience tailored to ModMed AMP solutions. 

We plan to continually evaluate the tools and processes involved in supporting ModMed AMP customers. We welcome customer feedback regarding how we can improve the AMP support experience.

Question: In response to a client noticing differing support hours for AMP Support vs. ModMed Support: 

Answer: At this time, the ModMed AMP support team's service hours are different from those of our general product support team, due to the unique features of the AMP product. We welcome customer feedback regarding how we can improve the AMP support experience. 

Escalated Client  

Please create a request management case for the following issues:

  • Credit requests/issues
  • Upgrades
  • Downgrades
  • Cancellation Requests (including AMP website and related products)
  • Legal Questions
Call Details  

Call Info

Call Number: @Call.number@
Call Type: @Call.type_name@
Call Campaign: @Call.campaign_name@
Call ANI: @Call.ANI@
Call DNIS: @Call.DNIS@
Call Start Timestamp: @Call.start_timestamp@
Queue Time: @Call.queue_time@

Agent Info

Agent ID:
Agent: @Agent.full_name@ / @Agent.user_name@
First Agent ID: @Agent.first_agent@
Station Type: @Agent.station_type@

Hours of Operation


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 6:00 pm



